Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Theme of Everlasting

          Everlasting by Alyson Noel is about a girl named Ever who after many lives of being killed by an immortal named Drina,. becomes an immortal when her boyfriend of every life, Damen, gives Ever the elixir right before she dies. I think the theme of this book is to treat people how you want to be treated.
          When Ever realized that immortals go to the Shadowland when they die, she immediately felt bad for killing Drina, because even though Drina killed Ever in every life, no one deserves to go to Shadowland. Shadowland is a dark and lonely abyss where you watch all the moments of all your lives, the good and the bad moments, and you're incredibly lonely, where one minute in the real world feels like a lifetime. When Ever saw the Shadowland through Damen's head, she decided that no person deserved to go there, no matter what they did.
          While Ever was seeing the only life of hers she hadn't seen yet, the life before Damen became immortal, when she died she realized that all people in the world are connected. After that, she didn't want to kill any more immortals since everyone is connected. That's why she didn't kill Marco even though she wanted to, because he wasn't going to kill her, and she couldn't bring herself to do that after what she learned.
          Ever realized through all this that just because she wants to hurt someone or kill someone, it's not okay, because all of us are connected. If you hurt someone else, you're also hurting yourself. If you send an immortal to Shadowland, you're going to have to pay off in karma, and the dark part of Summerland will grow to eventually take over Summerland. Also, that's another soul that's going to be stuck in a lonely hell for the rest of infinity, which would only make you feel bad about what you did. This shows how you should treat people how you want to be treated, and how this message is shown in the book.


  1. The message of your book is simalar to the focus of mine! I like how you connect the main characters decisions to decisions people make. I think it would also be interesting if you connected it to yourself, how you treat people and the decisions you make. Good job!

  2. Wow! i really liked the last paragraph. you really broke down what you think about the book. I really liked how you mentioned about talking about treating people the way you would want to be treated. Really nice summary :)
